★ Whats That?™ ★
Each brain teaser consists of one to four pictures with some common word between them. Figure out that word--figure out whats that?!
✦ Get in and play! ✦
Jump right on in and start playing right away for FREE!
➤ Adaptive and Addictive Gameplay.➤
This game uses dynamic branch prediction algorithms to determine which puzzle you see next. It presents puzzles that fit your difficulty level and category. The faster you answer a puzzle, the more coins you earn, but the more difficult your next puzzle becomes!
✔ Friends can help! ✔
Get friends nearby to help you solve the puzzles, or ask your Facebook friends or Twitter followers with just a few taps!
✸Categories available ✸
Categories of games that can be on Facebook and Twitter:
Objects, Things, Places, Food, Animals, People, Actions, and more coming soon!